Est. 1995
The Hong Kong Music Therapy Association is a non-profit making organization thrives to become the primary organization that represents the interests of all music therapists in Hong Kong. It has been established since 1995 and the founding members were Mr. Pang Ka Wa, Paul, Ms. Piera Lee and Ms. Alice Kong. The Association has officially registered as a company limited by guranttee on the 13th October 2017.
our mission
The Association shall strive to promote, improve and advance the use of music therapy as a unique and effective treatment modality in clinical, educational and rehabilitation settings for the betterment of the public health and welfare in Hong Kong. The HKMTA is the primary organizational agency for music therapy professionals. It seeks continually to improve an organization structure for the self-governance of the members in order to uphold the best professional service for the public.
HKMTA does not have any affiliate organizations that share similar names.
Current Office until December 2026
Committee member
Chairperson: Mr. Wong Hoi Wan, Hugo
Vice-chairperson: Ms. Tsang Yu Yan, Michelle
Secretary: Ms. Yu Wing Sze, Rebecca
Treasurer: Ms. Wong Wing Sang
Sub-committee member
Registration: Ms. Yuen Ting Ting
Ethics: Ms. Lo Hoi Ching, Bonnie
Technical: Ms. Chow Po Ching, Christine
Continuous Professional development: Ms. Chui Lok Sze, Lois
Advocacy : Ms. Lee Long Ching, Lansley
Networking: Mr. Tang Man Yin, Corwin
Current Office
Organisational Chart
Honorary Legal Advisor :
Mr. Fung Yik Chung Alwin (May 2024 - Dec 2024)
The following are eligible to be a member:
1. An accredited music therapist who has undertaken an approved course or equivalent; and
2. who has registered with an approved music therapy professional body; and
3. the registration is in force; and
4. who comply with the requirements for continuing professional development; and who are working or not working in music therapy.
New applications are accepted three times per year. The deadlines of application are March 15, August 15 and December 31. (updated 2023 Sept)
Please email hkmtareg@gmail.com if you would like to become a member of HKMTA